Financial Support

All financial donations over A$2.00 are tax-deductible.
Should you wish to support us financially there are several ways you may do this:


One-off or ongoing sponsorship assists us greatly and provides us with certainty that we can source supplies, pay rent, and postage. We have in place several sponsorships available and they vary from as little as $200 to $10,000 per year.

Containers for Change

A great scheme exists in Western Australia where anybody can take aluminum, glass, and plastic drink containers to a drop-off point and receive 10c for every item deposited. Once the items have been deposited you can then nominate where you would like the money deposited. CQAC Containers for Change account (A/C No. C10322163) This initiative not only helps organisations such as ours but has a fantastic environmental impact as well, as these containers do not go to landfills but are recycled. If you work in WA and see bottles and cans going into the bin, talk to your colleagues about Containers for Change. A little change to us means a lot.

Fundraising Event

From the good old sausage sizzle, morning tea, stalls to special fundraising events we take advantage of every opportunity we can to raise money. Perhaps a morning tea among friends where you spread the word about us, or in your employment there may be an opportunity to have a gathering that could raise funds. We are interested in all ideas and where possible support you.

Donation of supplies

Are you a crafter who badly needs to destash? Then we will be very happy to relieve you of cotton, wool, and material. Do you have a loved one who may have died and they have wool or material supplies that we might use, please contact us. Items donated will be much appreciated as we will put them to good use in making quilts, beanies, and scarves.

Please Note: Because some recipients of our quilts need to have them washed regularly we only make quilts using cotton and flannelette materials.

Our Sponsors

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